v2mixer.livev2.comDIGITIZED as NEW VERSION
- how to convert mobile video to pc
- how to resize 9:16 to 16:9 with blur effect
- for example video1 is 9:16 by mobile, we need resize to 16:9 for the pc
new project with 1920:1080 size

- click
"Open File" in left panel add the video1 - click the
Effect plus, add the Effect Move Resize - uncheck the "keep ratio", set the size to 1920x1080

- we can see the video1 already scale to 1920x1080
- y, video1 is 1080x1920 scale to 1920x1080, so is wrong ratio, but doesn't matter, we just use as background
- add the Effect Image Blur
- set the algorithm to block mode, blur level to 64 or higher, keep other default

- now the video1 as bakcground is ready
- click the
to layer add video1 again as layer0 - by default video1 already as layer0 over the layer1 with same track number

- in Program player(the right player) we can see the video1 as background with blur and video1 again as layer over it
- now
export as movie