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profession movie editor
Download- Overview
- the configure file in v2Mixer name: libjp.json, location in root of the application directory.
- the libjp.json is the configure file, not program, create and own by you, you can edit as any.
- the libjp.json is Text-Plain file, you can open by text-edtior, such notepad.exe
- if the non-english char in the doucment, you must save as UTF-8 (unicode in windows) format.
- the libjp.json contains the configure for:
- the melib node, is the application framework, code name MELib
- the dlogger node, is the logger use for application, code name DLogger
- the app node, the application settings
- Limit
- the libjp.json is the JSONformat, but parse by com.livev2 format.
- the com.livev2.com format allow comment, see below. the file read by other application may got wrong value.
- line first, start by /* and end by */
- line first, start by // end by new line
- right example:
//this's comment
comment 2
{ "a": 1 } - wrong exmaple:
{ "a": 1 } //this's comment
- do change the libjp.json you may lose official technical support.
- the app node
- language, the language, by default is empty, mean same as system, you can change here to force as, for example: en_US
- the value use for which language file to read in text directory, so the value.txt must exist in the text direcotry,
for example, zh_CN mean the language file zh_CN.txt must in the text directory. - if name.txt can't read in the text directory, fallback to en_US always.
- if you can translate the language resource file, please contact us as official release.
- temp_directory, the value of the directory for temporary use.
this's only use for application, will clear in application startup.
the movie export use the path same as the file should be save to, not this directory. - audio_editor_wave_resize, the value
- 1 mean enable the reload the wave samples image when window resize.
- default 0 mean only use first the wave samples image.
- undo_history_size, the value
- default 10, is the size of undo history.
- recent_project_size, the value
- default 10, is the size to rermember of recent projects.
- decode_video_codec, the value is the codec name list for decode the videos
- a JSON Object of the codec list, format name: [codec1, codec2], will try the codec1 before the codec2
- v2mixer will decode depend you license, v2mixer also support import from FFmpeg, you can change the codec name same as FFmpeg codecname.
- the codec names in v2mixer never conflict with the names in FFmpeg. for example:
- v2mixer use opus-concentus to encode the opus, in FFmpeg same codec name is opus or libopus. you can use that but not opus-concentus, the opus-concentus always first try.
- if you value set here but doesn't list in the options, it mean:
- we don't have the codec for that
- FFmpeg the v2mixer version also doesn't support that, may license impossible or BUG exist before the patch. please click the Contact link to tell us you want. you can confirm by list them by commands.
- for example:
} - but remember, the codec you use for encode/decode need the license, you can't append/change to you and we don't have the license.
- including the codec allowed in the OS, for example WMV allow decode API mode on Microsoft Windows, but you can't set wmv3 here, because Microsoft may not license v2mixer call FFmpeg to do that.
- encode_video_codec, the value same as decode_video_codec, except it's work for video encoder.
- video_codec_default, the value for the default value of the list.
- decode_audio_codec, the value same as decode_video_codec, except it's work for audio decoder.
- encode_audio_codec, the value same as decode_video_codec, except it's work for audio encoder.
- audio_codec_default, the value same as video_codec_default, except it's work for audio.
- encode_file_format, the options for the list for the format of export window.
- file_format_default, the default value for the file format.
- pixel_format_default, the default value for the image pixel format.
- sample_format_default, the default value for the audio sample format in length of bits.
- buffer_form, the default value 1 mean enable the buffer for the UI window.
- program_viewer_quality, the value for the program viewer(the right video player panel) image quality for layer mix(layer1 how do rewrite the layer2). this isn't the encoder image quality, it happen after the encoder.
- 0, mean keep the runtime environment default, this's unknown value depends by OS/VM.
- 1, mean the POINT, same as Effect name Zoom Encode
- default 2, mean the BILINEAR
- 3, mean the BICUBIC
- video_preview_ms, is the milliseconds of the start for the icon create by video format file.
- this's the minimum value, the application will try after this value if current time image is nothing(full black).
- video_show_fps, the default 0, enable the FPS paint in the video preview window if 1.
- in v2mixer, fps is doesn't matter, to apply quick changes v2mixer never focus as preview optimization. because in export always full FPS.
- ms_hold_seek, the default 200, mean the 200 milliseconds per frame when you hold the botton of back 1 frame/next 1 frame.
- volume_slider_time_ms, the default 100, mean repaint the volume slider every 100 milliseconds.
- set to 1000 mean 1 seconds may save you CPU and GPU resource.
- job_sleep_milliseconds, the default 1000, mean 1000 milliseconds(1 seconds) for the job of queue before run next.
- you can change to 10000 mean 10 seconds, for you disk done the job if you are using the remote disk or hot-plug disk.
- color_history, the default color list by the color selector. you can clear or remove, but should not change.
- opengl_2d, -1 by default use system default, 0 for disable the opengl use 2D acceleration, 1 for enable the opengl try 3D acceleration.
- desktop_link, the default 0, mean create the desktop link if value 1.
- only work you are running in the Window Manager not TTY mode.
- will change to 0 again, after the created or failed.
- codec special configure, without tech-supported
- ffe_option_global, the extra option for encoder global options if encoder is FFmpeg.
- ffe_option_video, the extra option for encoder video options if encoder is FFmpeg. for example:
"ffe_option_video": {"crf": "30", "quality": "good"},
- ffe_option_audio, the extra option for encoder audio options if encoder is FFmpeg
- the melib node
- audio_focus_mode, the audio focus mode, the value: for example, left player panel(Edtior) play audio 1, right player panel(Program) play audio 2.
enable 1 you will hear both of that, but you don't known which part come form where..
enable 2 mode prevent mixer audio 1 with audio 2, when you play start the right pannel after left pannel, you only hear the right panel audio.
- 0, direct mode, may no work on Microsoft Windows, ALSA on Linux. work fine PulseAudio on Linux.
- 1, mixer mode, mixer all audio as one at same time. work for all OS.
- default 2, switch mode, switch by the audio source to one of them.
- icon_name, the icon use for UI window, change only you already put the data into style directory.
- style, the style configure for the Application Style.
- options AWT mode olny, in SDL mode may ignore any of this option.
- default VALUE_ALPHA_INTERPOLATION_DEFAULT, the default value by runtime environment.
- VALUE_ALPHA_INTERPOLATION_SPEED, the speed focus for alpha interpolation.
- VALUE_ALPHA_INTERPOLATION_QUALITY, the quality for alpha interpolation.
- default VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON, to enable the antialias for the line/shape paint.
- VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF, to diasble the antialias for the line/shape paint.
- default VALUE_COLOR_RENDER_DEFAULT, the default value by runtime environment.
- VALUE_COLOR_RENDER_SPEED, the speed focus for color reder.
- VALUE_COLOR_RENDER_QUALITY, the quality focus for color reder.
- default VALUE_DITHER_DEFAULT, the deault value by runtime environment.
- VALUE_DITHER_ENABLE, enable the shape dither.
- VALUE_DITHER_DISABLE, disable the shape dither.
- KEY_INTERPOLATION, this's the value for application UI, include the left player panel(Editor), no effect in right player panel(Program) and encoder.
- VALUE_INTERPOLATION_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, see app node program_viewer_quality part, as value 1
- default VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR, see app node program_viewer_quality part, as value 2
- VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC, see app node program_viewer_quality part, as value 3
- default VALUE_RENDER_DEFAULT, the deault value by runtime environment.
- VALUE_RENDER_SPEED, the speed focus for image reder.
- VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY, the speed focus for image reder.
- VALUE_STROKE_DEFAULT, the deault value by runtime environment.
- default VALUE_STROKE_NORMALIZE, the normalize of stroke paint.
- VALUE_STROKE_PURE, the pure of stroke paint, good for pixels image only.
- default none, read from window manager.
- VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT, the deault value by runtime environment.
- VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_OFF, disable the text antialias.
- VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON, enable the text antialias with black-white.
- VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_HRGB, enable the text antialias with LCD horizontal RGB mode.
most LCD (the display) user should use this. will got better for UI window, but no effec of video Encoder. - VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_VRGB, enable the text antialias with LCD vertical RGB mode.
- VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_HBGR, enable the text antialias with LCD horizontal BGR mode.
- VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_VBGR, enable the text antialias with LCD vertical BGRmode.
- the dlogger node
- console, default value 1 mean output the log message to console.
- file, the directory to save the log file, it will keep last 30 days, max limit 100M per file.
- default is "" mean none, so file logger is disabled.
- change to "." mean sub-directory named log of current.
- change to "/var/log/v2mixer" mean log files move to the /var/log/v2mixer/log
- level, default 6, value 0/2/4/6/8/9 mean none/release/error/warning/debug/verbose
- all 8 and 9 code already removed in the release. so even you set to 9 but will never see the debug message.
- maxTrace, default 64, mean the max call track paint to log when error.
- this function already remove in relese.