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- the Effect Zoom Encode for Video Editor
- function for
- control the image zoom quality for video encoder, is the movie final out.
- the dialog
- the parameters
- Type, values:
- point, the point to point, mean 1:1 resize, for pixel-art video, such comic
- 1:1 mean never considers the surrounding color and will not gradient.
- it is very important for animation/comic with clear lines
- fast bilinear, the bilinear fast version, is antialiasing technique.
- fast mean running in parallel(use all cpu cores) mode.
- this type only work in encode step, in preview is the bilinear
- bilinear, the bilinear type, also 4 point to 1
- bicubic, the bicubic type, mean 9 point to 1
- need a powerful processor.
- xbr, the Super xBRtype, recomment for pixel-art
- for zoom in and encode step only, else replace as bicubic
- need a very powerful processor.
compensation, mean N point to 1
- an pixel zoom from NxCxR to 1, N/C/R are result from near detect by current salient partto.
- N mean how salient with last frame, C mean how salient of near, R mean result of bicubic.
- deprecated, because very slow, may back future with chips support.
- note
- all types work with detail mode but only in encode step.
- detail mode allow zoom in or out 2x more but keep the detail. for example:
pixels white,red,red,red,black as 1, just count the white and black, but the three of red got ignore..
- so we got gray, but in encode step will keep detail the gray + red
- unlike Zoom Decode, that's for Decoder, this's for Encoder.
- the encode image(video) quality only depend this value.
- if current chapter(video) never zoom(resize), just ignore this Effect, because 1:1 copy no need this.
- usually, in edit step try lower value to speed up the preview. before export, change to hight value, export is the background job you can wait for.